In this first article about Django-orm, I will discuss how to retrieve model objects using Django-orm.

Create a Django model.

from django.db import models
class Player(models.Model):
  • After creating a Django model Player in file, run python makemigrations this command will generate a migration file in the migrations folder. Then, run python migrate this command will create a table with fields name, team and nation in the database.

  • To interact with a Django application through a shell, run the commandpython shell

To retrieve every entity in the Player table.

from app_name.models import Player
players = Player.objects.all() # this method returns queryset
  • Here objects is a model manager which acts as a interface to the database.

To retrieve entity using the primary key.

from app_name.models import Player
players = Player.objects.get(pk=2) # this method returns object
  • ObjectDoesNotExist exception is raised if no entity found.

  • To avoid raising an exception, use the filter method.

from app_name.models import Player
players = Player.objects.filter(pk=2).first() # this method returns None if no entity found